About Us

Welcome to Cats of All Sizes, a website for cat lovers created by cat lovers! The idea behind this website was to share both our knowledge and our love for cats with you. Here, you can learn all about different cat breeds and find useful care tips. Hopefully, this will become your go-to place whenever you want to deepen your knowledge about these wonderful animals.

Here is our small but dedicated team of writers:

Željka Stanić

With 4 (so far) cats as her pets, Željka is well on her way to becoming a crazy cat lady. To be the best cat owner possible, Željka spent a lot of her time learning about cats. Now, she wants to share that knowledge with other cat owners. She also wants to inspire other people to get cats and provide them with warm and loving homes. You can see Željka’s other blogs at https://zeljkasworks.blog/

Joice Njeru

Joice lives in Kenya and likes to spend her free time with her gorgeous cats. She is a seasoned and skilled freelance writer, mostly writing about cats and dogs.