If you are anything like me, your social media feeds are swamped with cute pics and videos of cats. In those pics and videos, you can see cuddly cats, cute cats, mischievous cats, smart cats, not-so-smart cats, etc. You probably also saw pics and videos of unusually large cats, and you wondered how come they are so big. Well, in more than 90% of cases, they are Maine Coon cats.
Also known as “gentle giants” and “raccoon cats,” Maine Coons are one of the oldest natural cat breeds in the USA, and they are certainly the most popular breed. This is no wonder, as Maine Coon cats have lovely personalities, and they are great pets. They are also a great choice if you are looking for a cat breed that will be happy in colder climates.
Maine Coon Cat Characteristics
Fur color | Any possible color, including white, black, gray, brown, red, cream, golden, etc. |
Fur pattern | Solid, bicolor, calico, tortoiseshell, smoke, tabby, and shaded. |
Fur length | Long |
Eye color & shape | Oval-shaped and slanted eyes that can be of any color, including green, yellow, blue, copper, and gold. |
Length | Males 19”-38” Females 15”-25” |
Weight | Males 13-25 lbs Females 10-15 lbs |
Expected lifespan | 9-13 years |
Temperament | Gentle, intelligent, loyal, friendly but cautious, independent, and vocal. |
Kids and other pets | Friendly toward children and other pets, given that they were properly socialized from an early age. |
Sociable and cuddly | Cuddly and generally sociable, but it can also be independent. |
Requirements & Traits
Feeding | 2-3 meals a day for adult Coons, and 3-4 meals a day for kittens and juveniles. Food should be meat-based and rich in animal proteins. |
Grooming | Daily brushing and combing of the fur. Nail trimming and dental hygiene are also important, as well as regular ear and eye cleaning. |
Shedding | Despite having long furs, these cats don’t shed excessively, especially if they are brushed regularly. |
Hypoallergenic | No |
History and Origins

Let’s start with the origins and short history of the Maine Coon breed. Even though this breed is well-known, its exact origins are still unknown. There are some speculations about how did Maine Coon ancestors arrive in the US in the first place.
First Version
The first and the most probable version says that the first settlers that came from Europe also brought several cats on their ships. These cats served to keep their ships free from rats, mice, and other pests, and later, they protected crops and food storages once the settlers arrived at their destinations.
Since the climate on the new continent was harsh and unforgiving, only the strongest and toughest cats could survive the cold winters of New England. Larger cats with longer fur were better equipped for such conditions. They reproduced and passed on their genes.
This version also claims that the first cats that came to the new continent were either Norwegian Forest cats, Siberian cats, or Turkish Angora cats. All of these cat breeds had thick, long furs that helped them adapt to the cold climate. When they arrived on the American continent, they bred with shorthaired cats that already lived there, and that is how the Maine Coon breed was “born.”
Second Version
Another, more dramatic version tells a completely different story. During the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette saw that her future wasn’t exactly promising, so she tried to escape France. To do so, she packed her most valuable items and boarded them on a ship that was set to sail to the New World.
This included her six Turkish Angora cats that were supposed to start a new life with their owner. However, Marie Antoinette didn’t manage to escape the country, and her death became one of the most significant historical events.
On the other hand, her six cats arrived on the new continent safe and sound. There, they lived their best life, reproducing with local cats and becoming the ancestors of the Maine Coon breed. If this sounds a bit crazy and far-fetched, wait till you hear the third version!
Third Version
According to this version, the cats that came from Europe to the American continent reproduced quite quickly. They reproduced with each other, but they also reproduced with raccoons, which gave the offspring furry coats and their name.
It is needless to say that the events from this version are impossible. Cats and raccoons are two completely different species, and even if they tried to mate, they could never conceive the offspring, especially the offspring that would thrive and further reproduce.
Still, it is understandable that people in the past didn’t have enough knowledge of biology to know that cat-raccoon hybrids were impossible. After all, Maine Coon cats certainly have “raccoonish” looks.
The Name Origins
The exact origins of the Maine Coon’s name are also fairly uncertain. The first part of their name, “Maine,” was obviously inspired by the state of this breed’s origin: Maine. However, the second part of the name, “Coon,” is a bit more ambiguous in terms of its origins.
Some people say that Coon is short for raccoon, which brings us back to the cat-raccoon theory. In another version, there was a sea captain named Coon that brought long-haired cats to the American continents, and the Maine Coon’s name was given in his honor.
Known History
Maine Coon was one of the first breeds to enter and win cat shows. In 1895, a male Maine Coon named Leo won first place on one such show. He kept winning at other cat shows until 1900, when his own son took his “crown.”
This clearly shows how popular and beloved Maine Coons were, but that didn’t last for long. At the beginning of the 20th century, many other cat breeds (mostly Persians) were imported into the United States. These cat breeds were exotic and more interesting to the local cat fans, and Maine Coon was no longer popular.
This decline in popularity also led to a decline in Maine Coon’s number. They no longer participated in cat shows, and they were rarely seen at all. By the 1950s, this breed was considered extinct.
Fortunately, the rumors of Maine Coons going extinct were untrue, but this breed really needed some help to keep going. In the early 1950s, Ethylin Whittemore, Alta Smith, and Ruby Dyer started a Central Maine Cat Club (CMCC).
This club aimed to increase the popularity of Maine Coon cats by organizing shows and exhibitions where Maine Coon cats and their photographs were shown to interested visitors. The club also created the first written breed standards for Maine Coons.
Eventually, these efforts were fruitful. In 1975, this breed was accepted by the Cat Fanciers’ Association after already being declined three times. This meant that Maine Coon cats could finally participate in championships again.
Since then, Maine Coon’s popularity continued to rise, and in 1985, this breed was announced as the state cat of the state of Maine. Nowadays, Maine Coon is among the most popular cat breeds in the US, and slowly but steadily, this breed is conquering the rest of the world!
Maine Coon Cat Personality

Apart from their good looks, Maine Coon cats are also beloved because of their beautiful personalities. After all, they are called “gentle giants” for a reason. They are affectionate, sweet, and loving, so if you want a pet that you can cuddle with, Maine Coon is a great choice!
Another great thing about Maine Coon is that they are intelligent cats. You can teach them various tricks and commands. As such, Maine Coons are also easy to train, which is crucial for having a well-disciplined pet.
However, even though these cats are quite smart and they tend to be well-behaved, they can also be quite goofy. When they are in a certain mood, your Maine Coon can act like a real jester and even become slightly mischievous. As long as their mischief is under control, let them be; everyone needs to be silly sometimes.
When it comes to other pets and children, Maine Coons are great companions and playmates. Despite their larger size, Maine Coon cats know how to play gently, even with much smaller pets and little children. Their patience is outstanding, and because of it, Maine Coons are sometimes used as therapy animals.
While they are affectionate and cuddly, Maine Coons are rarely clingy, which is another great thing about them. They will enjoy spending time with you, but if you are too busy to cuddle, your Maine Coon will happily do its own thing. Still, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to give them enough attention; on the contrary!
Maine Coon cats are quite vocal, making sounds that range from chirping to trilling. They rarely meow, and when they do, it doesn’t sound like regular meowing. Instead, Maine Coons prefer to hiss, chatter, purr, or howl.
Maine Coon Cat Appearance
While appearance shouldn’t be the only determining factor in whether you will get a certain cat or not, there is nothing wrong with wanting your cat to look one way or another. After all, most breeds were created with the intention of achieving certain desirable physical characteristics.
Maine Coons are a natural breed, which means their appearance wasn’t caused by the selective breeding of many generations. Still, some breed standards need to be checked for a cat to be considered a real Maine Coon.
Long and fluffy furs are one of the most distinct Maine Coon features. Maine Coon fur is long, heavy, and shaggy, with a silky smooth texture. The fur is shorter on the shoulders and longer on the stomach and britches.
Maine Coon cats have a frontal ruff, a patch of long fur that starts at the base of their ears and expands to their neck and chest. This frontal ruff looks a bit similar to the lion’s mane, and it is usually more pronounced in male Maine Coons.
These cats’ furs can come in various colors and color patterns. Maine Coon cats can have black, white, gray, brown, cream, and red fur color. Their fur can be solid, bicolor, calico, smokey, tortoiseshell, shaded, or tabby. However, any colors and patterns that are the result of hybridization, such as chocolate, lavender, and ticked pattern, aren’t allowed, i.e., cats with such furs aren’t considered Maine Coons.
When it comes to eyes, Maine Coons have large and expressive eyes that make them even more adorable. These eyes are widely set, oval-shaped, and slightly slanted towards the outer base of the ears. The eye color can be green, gold, copper, amber, green-gold, blue, and sometimes even odd-eyed.
Another distinct feature of Maine Coon cats is definitely their size. Along with their long furs, Maine Coon’s size is their most prominent feature. As a matter of fact, the Maine Coon cat breed is the largest domestic cat breed in the world.
As with other cat breeds, males Coons are larger than their female counterparts. Male Main Coons are 19-38 inches long, but there were specimens whose body length exceeded 40 inches. On the other hand, female Main Coons are usually 15-25 inches long, which is still impressive.
When it comes to body weight, males are slightly heavier, usually weighing between 13 and 25 pounds, while female Maine Coons weigh between 10 and 15 pounds.
For reference, an average domestic cat weighs 6-10 pounds, and its body length is 25 inches.
Other Body Characteristics
Maine Coon cats have muscular bodies with broad chests. In general, their bodies are long, and other body parts are well-proportionate, giving the cat a stocky and somewhat rectangular appearance. Legs are strong, widely set apart, and muscular. Paws are rounded, large, and well-tufted. Maine Coons have five toes in their front paws and four toes in their back paws.
The tail is long, wide at the base, and tapering. It is covered in long, flowing fur, which gives it a fluffy appearance. The head is in proportion to the rest of the body, being slightly longer than it is wide. Cheekbones are high, and the muzzle is rectangular, ending in a strong chin.
The ears are large and well-tufted. They are wide at the base and tapering, which gives them a pointed appearance. There is approximately one ear’s width between them, so they aren’t widely spaced.
Maine Coon Polydactyl
Since I am talking about the Maine Coon’s appearance, it is worth noting that some Maine Coons are born with extra toes. These cats are called Maine Coon Polydactyl or Hemingway cats.

You may wonder why Hemingway? Well, this famous writer was gifted a white Maine Coon that had additional toes. He became so fascinated with polydactyl Maine Coons that he got even more of them. His love for these cats (and cats in general) was so strong that his house was turned into a car museum after he died.
But what does the Maine Coon polydactyl look like, and what causes those extra toes? These additional toes are caused by a genetic anomaly. Instead of having four or five toes, polydactyl Maine Coons have six, seven, and some even up to nine toes on their paws.
Some polydactyl Maine Coons have additional toes on all of their paws, while others have additional toes only on their front or only on their back paws. There is no general rule for this occurrence, but if a front/back paw has excess toes, another front/back paw will have excess toes too! Additionally, polydactylism is much more common in front paws than in back paws.
In either case, those paws that have extra toes will be bigger than the “normal” paws, sometimes even twice as big. Such paws are usually more tufted too, which makes them look even bigger. Some polydactyl Maine Coons will have “mittens,” which happens when their extra toes are located in the middle of the paw.
Health and Life Quality Impact
Apart from having larger paws, polydactyl Maine Coon cats are completely normal. If you didn’t look at their paws, you couldn’t differentiate when from the “normal” Maine Coons. Fortunately, their extra toes pose no health threats, and they are actually a nice advantage.
Extra toes proved to be useful for hunting, especially for those cats that spent their lives on the ships. Large paws enabled them to keep their balance even when the ships were rocking on the sea. That’s why polydactyl Maine Coons were considered lucky cats.
Polydactyl Maine Coon Numbers
You probably wonder, how many polydactyl Maine Coons are there, and how often does this anomaly occur? In the 1950s, approximately 40% of all Maine Coons were polydactyl, but over the years, breeders tried to remove this anomaly through selective breeding.
As a result, this percentage should be significantly lower today, although many sources claim that it is still around 40%. It is hard to predict whether two Maine Coon cats will produce polydactyl kittens, even if both parents have extra toes.
Daily Life With a Maine Coon
Having a Maine Coon cat is quite a fun and rewarding experience, but it is also demanding. These cats need daily care, and if you can’t make such a commitment, you should choose a less demanding breed.
This is one of the most important aspects of caring for your Maine Coon cat. Since they are so big, Maine Coon cats require much more food than most other cat breeds. Roughly, your Maine Coon cat will need 24-35 calories per pound of its body weight every day.
These cats are naturally chunky and fluffy, so it can be hard to determine whether your Maine Coon is overweight, underweight, or perfectly fed. This is why you should always consult your vet when determining the exact portion size.
Just like with other cat breeds, kittens need to eat more often because they are still growing. Maine Coon cats need more time to grow fully, so you will need to feed your Maine Coon as a kitten until it reaches 15 months of age. During that period, you will have to feed it 3-4 times a day.
Once your Maine Coon cat is an adult, you should feed it 2-3 times a day. You can offer some snacks to your cat, but those snacks shouldn’t account for more than 105 of the recommended daily calorie intake.
Maine Coon cats aren’t picky eaters, but you will need to feed them with high-quality cat food that contains high amounts of animal protein (at least 50%) and moderate amounts of animal fat (max 30%). Both wet and dry food are great options, and you should give both to your Maine Coon.
Raw food
You can also feed your Maine Coon cat with raw meat, but make sure it is a lean cut. The best choices are fish and poultry raw meat. Also, try to buy your raw meat from local farmers or other places where you know the meat is fresh.
In many cases, raw meat commonly found in supermarkets is there for days, which is a perfect opportunity for various pathogens to reproduce. This can cause serious health issues for your Maine Coon cat. Cats are more sensitive to eating contaminated food than us humans, so make sure not to expose your Maine Coon cat to unnecessary risks.
This is another aspect of caring for Maine Coons that you must take seriously. Maine Coon cats have long and thick furs, but these hairs are fine and silky, which makes them prone to tangling. While I usually recommend brushing your cat’s fur once a week, for Maine Coon I recommend brushing every day.
Some people brush their Maine Coons two or three times a week, but it is better if you do it more often. This way, you will prevent your Coon’s fur from tangling, and you will have to deal with less shedding. Also, regular brushing helps keep the fur clean from any dirt, and it also helps distribute the oils from the cat’s skin.
This is especially important during the winter months, when your Coon’s fur will become extra dense, becoming even more prone to knots and tangling. Try to use a soft bristle brush that won’t scratch your Main Coon’s skin while you use it to brush the hair.
You can also occasionally bathe your Maine Coon, and it is recommended that you do it once a month. Use specialized cat shampoo and conditioner. After each bath, use a stainless steel comb to gently comb the fur and prevent it from tangling.
Nail trimming is also important, and you should do it every two weeks. If you can’t successfully trim your Coon’s nails, take it to the professional pet groomer.
Don’t forget about dental hygiene, as it is crucial for your Maine Coon cat’s dental health. Tach your Maine Coon to put up with regular teeth brushing while it is still a kitten, and you will have fewer issues when it grows up. Additionally, offer your Maine Coon cat some teeth-cleaning snacks.
Maine Coons are laid-back, sometimes even lazy cats. However, while it isn’t unusual for a cat to spend most of its day just napping, it still needs some activity to stay healthy and prevent boredom. Your Maine Coon cat is no different, so you need to provide it with enough exercise and play.
Even though they can be a bit lazy, most Maine Coon cats are quite playful and energetic. That’s why they should have enough toys, a scratching tree, and a climbing tree. Since they are intelligent cats, try to get them some puzzles or interactive toys that will stimulate their little brains as well.
Take some time out of your every day to play with your Maine Coon. This will further enrich their playtime, ad it will be a great bonding opportunity. Be aware of one thing, though. Your Maine Coon is a large cat, so it can make quite a mess and destruction wherever it plays. Try to provide them with enough place to play where they won’t be able to knock your things down and possibly break them.
When it comes to going outside, Maine Coons are one of those breeds that will be perfectly safe and content both indoors and outdoors. Since it is so big, you don’t have to worry about your Maine Coon so much, but it is still recommended that you keep your eye on your Coon if you let it play outside.
Alternatively, you can leash train your Maine Coon and go for long walks together. This will be a great exercise for both of you!
Most Common Maine Coon Cat Health Issues
Maine Coon cats are quite healthy, but they can still get sick. Watching your cat feel bad can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know what’s causing the discomfort. That’s why it is important that you know how to recognize some signs of common diseases.

This way, you can take your cat to the vet as soon as possible and make sure that it receives all the medical help it needs. The sooner your cat receives help, the easier the recovery process will be. With that in mind, let’s take a look at common diseases that affect Maine Coon cats!
Hip Dysplasia
This condition occurs when joints fail to develop correctly, eventually resulting in frequent hip joint dislocation. In some rare cases, hip dysplasia is caused by an injury, but in either case, it causes rapid hip joint deterioration.
As you can guess, this condition is quite painful for affected cats. The pain becomes so intense that those cats become less active and mobile in general; they avoid jumping, running, and climbing. The pain can become so severe that the cat can’t even get up and walk.
Some of the main symptoms of hip dysplasia are reduced activity levels, grating sounds while the cat is moving, hind-legs limpness, hind legs being too close together, etc. Other more general symptoms that your cat is unwell are lethargy and lack of appetite.
If you notice any of these symptoms, take your Maine Coon cat to the vet as soon as possible. Sometimes, hip dysplasia is treated with physical therapy and supplements, while in more severe cases, a surgical procedure is necessary.
Large cats, such as Maine Coons are particularly vulnerable to this condition, probably because their hip joints need to support more weight. Approximately 18% of Maine Coon cats have hip dysplasia, and it is more common among female Maine Coons.
In some cases, hip dysplasia can cause arthritis, which is another painful condition. That’s why you need to act quickly once your cat shows signs of suffering from this disease.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
This is a hereditary genetic condition that’s characterized by the loss of motor neurons in the cat’s lower spinal cord. As a result, the muscles in the hind limbs deteriorate, which causes further movement issues.
The first symptoms of this condition will occur when your Maine Coon kitten is only 3-4 months old. These symptoms include instability, abnormal posture, and unsteady gait. In the following months, these symptoms will become increasingly obvious, and the cat will experience difficulties while trying to jump up or down.
Slowly enough, the muscles around the pelvic area and back legs will continue to deteriorate, which significantly reduces the cat’s movements. Spinal muscular atrophy isn’t painful, but it significantly lowers the life quality.
There is no cure for this condition, but its symptoms can be kept under control with physical therapy and a proper diet. Additionally, cats with spinal muscular atrophy should be exclusively indoors, in places that are suitable for their limited movement.
Unfortunately, this condition is quite painful. It is characterized by painful mouth ulcers and inflammation of the gums and mouth. As such, it is not only unpleasant for the cat, but it can also cause a whole new series of issues.
Stomatitis can cause oral sores, tooth loss, various infections, and even organ failure. It is treated by antibiotics, laser therapy, dental surgery, and dental hygiene, but in more severe cases, there isn’t much to do except to euthanize the cat to save it from suffering.
Some telltale signs that your Maine Coon might be suffering from this condition include loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, bad breath, yelping while eating, dropping food, pawing at face or mouth, etc. If you notice any of these signs, make sure to bring your Maine Coon to the vet as soon as possible.
Periodontal Disease
Another disease affecting the mouth and teeth, periodontal disease is also known as gum disease. It comes in three stages, halitosis, gingivitis, and periodontitis.
In the first stage, pieces of food become stuck between the tooth and the surrounding gum. This is a perfect breeding ground for various bacteria, and soon, the decomposition of the food begins. As a result, bad breath appears, and this is the perfect time to take your cat to the vet because the disease is still in its first stage and can be easily reversed.
The next stage happens when there is a plaque build-up on your cat’s teeth that resulted from the untreated first stage. Since plaque is basically a sticky layer of bacteria, the cat’s immune system will try to fight it by releasing the toxins. As a result, the cat’s gums will become inflamed. However, this stage is also reversible, but it mustn’t be ignored.
If nothing is done about the inflamed gums, the disease enters its final, third stage, which can’t be reversed. In this stage, the cat loses some of its teeth, and it will also experience some other issues, such as bone loss, receding gums, and periodontal ligament damage.
Of course, even if your cat’s periodontal disease enters its final stage, that doesn’t mean you should give up on it. You can still do your best to minimize the damage, and this includes proper dental hygiene and regular vet checks.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
As the name of this condition suggests, polycystic kidney disease is characterized by multiple cysts that grow on the kidneys. It s a hereditary disease, and the cat is usually born with cysts on its kidneys. These cysts will grow as the cat grows.
Some cysts will grow more slowly, while others will be more quick to enlarge. Usually, these cysts aren’t problematic and noticeable until the cat reaches approximately seven years of age. Around that period, some of those cysts will become large enough to interfere with normal kidney functions.
If you notice your cat has difficulty urinating or you notice some blood in their urine, this is one of the most evident signs that there is something wrong with their kidneys. Other signs include vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, increased thirst, frequent urination, and loss of appetite.
If you notice any of these signs, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible!
Maine Coon Cat Name Suggestions
Choosing the name for your new cat is always fun, but it can also be a bit scary. How to choose from so many options? What if you regret your choice later? Well, one good news is that every cat owner has many nicknames for their pet, so even if you start to dislike your cat’s name, you can call it by plenty of other nicknames.
Another good news is that you will be able to find some of the most popular Maine Coon names right below!
- Luna
- Tiffany
- Iris
- Fiona
- Queen (Antoinette?)
- Stella
- Emma
- Penelope
- Maggie
- JoJo
- Sherlock
- Gus
- Raccoon
- Dozer
- Wolfgang
- Gabriel
- Bruno
- Hercules
- Skipper
- Tank
Of course, these are only some of many possible names, but the bottom line is, there must be a perfect name for your Maine Coon, you just need to find it!
Buying or Adopting Maine Coon Cat
If you prefer adoption over buying, finding a Maine Coon in a shelter should be fairly easy. Adopting a Maine Coon cat typically costs between $100 and $400, depending on the shelter and the accompanying costs.
If, on the other side, you feel more secure when buying your cats from a reputable breeder, it will cost you between $1000 and $2000. To make sure you will make a good purchase, make sure to do some background checks on the breeder.
Are there any reviews from previous buyers? How many breeding cats does that breeder own? How often do they breed their cats? Are kittens kept in clean environments and together with their mothers? What kind of personalities do these kittens have? Are they healthy, and are they at risk of inheriting some conditions?
These are all the questions that you want to answer before choosing to buy your Maine Coon from that specific breeder.
The Cost of Owning a Maine Coon Cat
Before getting a Maine Coon cat, or any other cat breed, you need to make sure that you can afford it. Spending money on adoption or buying is your first cost, but your expenses don’t end there. Obviously, you will have to buy food for your Maine Coon, which will cost you $30-$50 per month, on average.
You will also have to buy litter substrate, toys, shampoos, brushes, and other supplies. The initial purchase of these supplies costs $100-$150, and then you will have to spend $30-$40 per month on replenishing these supplies.
Don’t forget about the vet bills. Apart from regular checkups, you will have to spay/neuter your cat. Additionally, you might want to microchip your cat, and finally, you need to be ready for some unexpected medical expenses if your cat gets sick.
I am not telling you this to deter you from getting a Maine Coon cat. After all, you will have similar expenses with other cat breeds. I just want to prepare you so that you know in advance how to plan your budget.
Maine Coon Cat Alternatives
So, you like the idea of having a Maine Coon cat, but for some reason, you can’t get one? Well, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. There are many similar cat breeds, and who knows, maybe one of them will be a perfect Maine Coon alternative for you.
For example, Norwegian Forest cats are similar to Maine Coons because they are gentle giants with thick, long furs. They are great with children and other pets, which makes them great family pets, just like the Maine Coon is.
Another large breed you should consider getting instead of a Maine Coon is a Siberian breed. They are also huge and fluffy cats, and they are great companions. Of course, if you don’t mind getting a smaller cat than the Maine Coon, I would recommend you American Bobtail, Turkish Angora, or a Persian cat. These cats aren’t as large as Maine Coons, but they are fluffy and gorgeous, just like a Miane Coon cat!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Maine Coon cats are known to be good family pets, as they are quite patient with small children. This is another reason why this breed is becoming increasingly popular not only in the States but also in the rest of the world.
These cats are best known for their size, as they are the biggest domesticated cat breed. Also, their long furs and frontal ruffs give Maine Coons a unique appearance.
If you consider how thick and long their fur is, Maine Coon cats shed moderately. If you brush their furs every day, the shedding will be reduced to its minimum.
Even though Maine Coon cats are independent and not as clingy as some other cat breeds, it isn’t recommended that you leave them alone for prolonged periods of time. Lonely cats tend to become depressed, bored, and destructive. You don’t want that to happen, especially with such a large cat as Maine Coon.
Your Maine Coon cat will be much happier if you pair it with another cat. This way, the two cats will entertain each other, and caring for two cats isn’t much different than caring for one cat.
Maine Coon Cat Fun Facts
- Cats are known for their aversion to water, but some breeds actually like water. Maine Coon cats are one of those breeds, and their love for water is explained by the fact that their ancestors were ship cats that used to live on the sea.
- Sometimes, Maine Coon cats eat with their paws, especially dry food. This makes them even more similar to raccoons, apart from their fluffy furs.
- Maine Coon cats are the first cat breed that has been cloned successfully. In 2004, one Texas woman paid $50.000 for her dead Maine Coon named Nicky to be cloned. The procedure was successful, and the woman claimed that the clone was identical to her late Nicky.
- Mrs. Norris, a cat companion of one of Harry Potter’s characters, was a Maine Coon cat. This breed conquered social media, too, as there are countless accounts dedicated to this breed in particular.
Maine Coon cats certainly have an interesting history, and even though they were almost forgotten at one point, their popularity has kept rising in the last few decades. It makes no wonder, as Maine Coon cats are lovely pets and fascinating animals.
Apart from their unusual size and fluffy furs, there are so many other cool things about Maine Coons. Their polydactyly, their intelligence, and the fact that they aren’t afraid of water makes the Maine Coon cat breed truly special!